ETS is very good for managing a large amount of state when you don’t require persistence. The thing to remember is that it is a datastore and not a database so it does not support transactions, or very,very,very limited transactions. Very limited. So if you need to control access to an ETS table then you need to wrap it with a process.
Depending on what you need a GenServer might the right way to go. Seeing you are keeping the data in an ETS table the Genserver process itself will not get very large. This is basically what Mnesia does except that it provides a very large set of features, for example transactions, replication, distribution, persistence. It gives you a distributed ACID database.
TANSTAAFL which means you have to decide what you need and what you are willing to pay for.
One thing to remember with ETS tables is that as they are stored “outside” all processes accessing them means copying data between the process and the table.