2019/10/25 - ElixirConfLA - Medellín, Colombia (first in Latin America!)

ElixirConf will land in Latin America this year!
With a top-notch list of speakers, like @rvirding, @whatyouhide, Verónica Lopez, @elbrujohalcon, @FrancescoC, @cabol and the call for talks is open now.
Find more details at http://elixirconf.la


Great!!!, I will be there for sure!!!, thank you @elbrujohalcon

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Ohh!! I Really would like to attend I’m from Medellin but I’m going to be out of the country this whole year :sob::sob:.

Thank you for bringing such a wonderful conf to my country!

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Very Early Bird tickets are on sale now at https://www.eventbrite.co/e/entradas-elixirconfla-62013918299

And we’re still looking for sponsors / speakers! :slight_smile:

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It is with regret that we have to announce that, for reasons that are unrelated to the conference, @rvirding will not be a keynote speaker this year. We will be announcing a new keynote speaker soon.

I am really sorry about that because I really did want to go to the conference. Unfortunately some personal things came in the way.


We’re extremely happy to announce our new keynote speaker and workshop trainer: Mariano Guerra, the author of efene!! He will be teaching riak_core for elixir devs and also giving a talk at the conference.


@elbrujohalcon is there going to training or just the workshops?

Just the workshops, which are meant to be hands-on.

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Do you, by any chance, know when will all the talks be published?

The call for talks closes on July 19th.
After that, the talk committee (i.e @cabol, Norberto Ortigoza, @miriampena and myself) will meet and come up with the schedule that will later be published on the website.
With a somewhat broad margin, you can expect to have the talks announced by the end of July.

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I’ve been looking for a nearby hotel. Is there a recommended Hotel for this event?

Workshops were announced!
I’ll be giving an intro to Functional Programming and Mariano will be teaching Riak Core.
You can find more details here.

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Hi. At the moment we’re reviewing to have an agreement with a hotel for the event, but if you want we would recommend you nice hotels near from event venue.


Hey! We have a programme committee now :sunglasses:
Thank you for helping us with this Norberto (who doesn’t seem to be in this slack) and @miriampena!! :smiley:

And for the rest of you: The CFT is still open here.

We have just announced 3 more speakers, chosen from the CFT: They are:

@sescobb27 from Medellín, Colombia

@milmazz from Venezuela

Carolina Pascale Campos from Brazil

Find more about them on our website and remember: you can join them!
We still have 3 available spots and our CFT is open until July 19th.


For @joaquinalcerro and all the others that were waiting for this… we now have a schedule!!

Check it out below and help us fill the remaining TBDs with your talk!


Thanks for the heads up. I already have my early bird ticket and I am waiting for the Hotel event to be defined.

Just one week to go for the CFT.
Submit your talk here and join our great list of speakers!
We still have 3 empty spots in our schedule.

Hey folks, we just announced the full schedule for the conference, with the additions of our 3 latest speakers: @marpo60, Bárbara and @britto.
Check it out!