Introductory paragraph
We are Studitemps. Our goal is to help students find the right job during their studies and help companies in Germany find the right students! To do this, we are building a new online platform and automating existing business processes.
Here are some technology we use:
- Elixir/Phoenix
- Oban
- PhoenixLiveView
- RabbitMQ
- EventStore
- Ruby/Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Heroku
- and much more!
About us
- My name: Ryan Zidago
- My position: Software Developer
- Company name: Studitemps GmbH
- Website:
- Country: Germany
- Company info and history: More information on our tech website: (only in German though )
About the job
- Job title: Software Developer
- Salary range: 50K-70K
- Position on remote work: Remote work in Germany allowed
- Qualifications or experience required: people that like to work in product development and in Scrum/Agile team. Experience with Elixir is not necessary, as long as you have a willingness to learn it. Bonus point if you speak German.
What the successful job applicant will be working on:
– we are looking for two devs for a greenfield project so to say: help us expand our offering to young professionals (a.k.a. recent graduate)! This is for a completely new team, the team decides if it wants to use Elixir and/or Ruby (but recently we have way way more Elixir apps than Ruby ones).
– we are looking for one dev to help us build our portal for our corporate customers (still in MVP phase with many new features to be added; 100% Elixir/PhoenixLiveView)
About the interview process
- short phone call with our recruiter Marieke (20-30 minutes)
- remote conversation with some other devs in the company (60-90 minutes)
- get-to-know-each-other day (in German it’s called Kennenlernentag ): basically you’ll spend around 4-5 hours pair programming with us so that we can see if there’s a fit!
Further info
You do not need to speak German though it would be a bonus. If you don’t speak, there’s a budget for you to learn German
You’ll have flexible working time, a remote friendly culture, an educational budget, opportunity to chose your own hardware and most important , cool teammates to work with + lots of impact in product development!
If you’re interested, contact me at