Access a key from changest

Hate breaking changes in minor versions :wink:

It’s not a breaking change though, since no functionality was removed from the api, just added.

Ok, you might be right. String added to the :atom option.

My solution with execute is already in prod stage.

It doesn’t not create a unique index, though. For that you would write something like

execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX asd_constraint ON table(asd) WHERE asd;")

if you use execute instead of create index.

Oh no, you are right, just an index, not an unique one. Need my MsSql Server Studio back :frowning: Now I have a docker container and not even a debugger. I start to miss the work at VW.

You can connect to the running release inside the docker container and use erlang’s tracing facilities for debugging. I like It has an elixir wrapper Here’re some other nice tools But some people prefer And it has an accompanying book

I don’t really know about any other system / programming language with so many tools for working with and debugging live systems in production. So learning them or at least learning about them would do you good in case you stay with erlang or elixir. And even if you don’t use any of those 3rd party libraries, there are :etop, :lcnt for finding lock contentions (helps when debugging ets) and :msacc for cheap CPU load analysis (but might require a recompilation) right in the standard library, and that’s not counting the profilers.

But even before going into production, erlang has one of the most complete open-source property testing libraries, with an elixir wrapper and a free online book from the author of “erlang in anger” above. Not using property testing in erlang where it’s so easy to use should be considered a crime against safe software, in my opinion. It would’ve probably caught your typo right away. And how could I forget about!

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