Advent of Code 2020 - Day 3

Stream.transform has a bit of a learning curve, but you can make it do basically anything that involves “look at each element of this list, plus some information from previous iterations, and return some results and information for the next iteration”.

Yay! I learned it in Day 1 :grin:

I used it to create a stream that lazily yields k-element combinations of a given list, just like Ruby’s Array#combination without a block.

Wow, some really interesting solutions here. Mine is a fairly basic recursive approach that relies on processing the input into a list of strings. It is brittle because if the strings are of unequal length it would fail. I also hardcoded the string length in the rem/2 call, which I could have avoided by introducing another module attribute like @line_length or something.

defmodule Day3 do
  @input!("lib/input") |> Enum.into([])
  @finish Kernel.length(@input)

  def progress(_, y, _, _, trees) when y >= @finish do

  def progress(x, y, run, rise, trees) do
    case @input
         |>, 31)) do
      "#" -> progress(x + run, y + rise, run, rise, trees + 1)
      _ -> progress(x + run, y + rise, run, rise, trees)

(Day3.progress(0, 0, 1, 1, 0) * Day3.progress(0, 0, 3, 1, 0) * Day3.progress(0, 0, 5, 1, 0) *
   Day3.progress(0, 0, 7, 1, 0) * Day3.progress(0, 0, 1, 2, 0))
|> IO.inspect()

And here my Erlang solution, part 2 with skipping down gave me some troubles first too


    Lines = load_file("day3input.txt"),
    {part1(Lines), part2(Lines)}.

% Part 1 %
    count_trees(Lines, 0, 0).

count_trees([H | T], Pos, Count)->
    case string:slice(H, Pos, 1) of
        "." -> count_trees(T, (Pos + 3) rem length(H), Count);
        "#" -> count_trees(T, (Pos + 3) rem length(H), Count + 1)
count_trees([], _, Count) ->

% Part 2 %
    C1 = count_trees(Lines, 0, 0, 1, 1),
    C2 = count_trees(Lines, 0, 0, 3, 1),
    C3 = count_trees(Lines, 0, 0, 5, 1),
    C4 = count_trees(Lines, 0, 0, 7, 1),
    C5 = count_trees(Lines, 0, 0, 1, 2),
    {C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C1*C2*C3*C4*C5}.

count_trees([H | T], Pos, Count, Right, Down)->
    case string:slice(H, Pos, 1) of
        "." -> count_trees(nthtail(Down-1, T), (Pos + Right) rem length(H), Count, Right, Down);
        "#" -> count_trees(nthtail(Down-1, T), (Pos + Right) rem length(H), Count + 1, Right, Down)
count_trees([], _, Count,_,_) ->

nthtail(_, [])->[];
nthtail(N, L)-> lists:nthtail(N, L).

% Helper %
    {ok, Binary} = file:read_file(Filename),
    StringContent = unicode:characters_to_list(Binary),
    [ Line || Line <- string:tokens(StringContent, "\n")].

Even it was fun, I’m not shure whether I’ll progress, as my time is quite limited atm.

There’s plenty of overlap in my solution, but didn’t see the exact one, so figured I’d share. (Brand new to Elixir, Advent of code has been a great way to practice.)

  1. Assume input is an enumerable of strings (e.g. file stream)
  2. Calculates the width (assumes all rows are uniform)
  3. Stream every down'th row
  4. Stream an index, which represents the number of times you’ve moved right (i.e. each row visited)
  5. Count the number of times the String at rem(right * idx, with) is #

Idea was to stream the file and only aggregate at the count step, as to not use intermediate lists

defmodule Advent.Y2020.D03 do
  @spec part_one(rows :: Enumerable.t(String.t())) :: integer
  def part_one(rows) do
    count_trees(rows, 3, 1)

  @spec part_two(rows :: Enumerable.t(String.t()), strategies :: Enumerable.t({integer, integer})) ::
  def part_two(rows, strategies) do
    Enum.reduce(strategies, 1, fn {right, down}, product ->
      product * count_trees(rows, right, down)

  defp count_trees(rows, right, down) do
    # Assumes all rows are uniform in width
    width = rows |> |> String.length()

    |> Stream.take_every(down)
    |> Stream.with_index()
    |> Enum.count(fn {row, idx} ->
      "#" ==, rem(right * idx, width))
1 Like

Better late than never!

Part 1: Basic modulo wrap

Part 2: In the Functional style:

part_2 =
  Enum.reduce([1, 3, 5, 7], 1, &(&2 * travel(input, &1)))
  |> (fn x -> x * travel2(input) end).() 

where ‘travel’ traverses the map with slope -1 / n, and ‘travel2’ uses slope -2.

Full solution @ Github