Advent of Code 2021 - Day 17

This topic is about Day 17 of the Advent of Code 2021.

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I used a brute-force solution, testing many more initial velocities than necessary. It does the job in less than 3 seconds on my computer.

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I think for part1, to find the best initial y velocity we can use something like y = abs(target_area.y.min) - 1 so that the max(y) is as big as possible and the probe doesn’t overshoot the target area when falling.

I got this idea after drawing the example with initial velocity of 6,9:

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Yes, your formula for y works for part 1 with my input. My input is:

target area: x=185..221, y=-122..-74

and the best initial velocity is {19, 121}.

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Here’s my solution.
I’m not sure if this is the best approach, but using streams to determine the trajectory turned out pretty nice imho.
Runs in 2.5s for both parts on my machine.

Part 1 can be solved with a simple approach.

target_y_range = -85..-56
max_vy = -1 - target_y_range.first
div(max_vy * (max_vy + 1), 2)

My full solution for day 17.


I did the same thing for part 1 :smiley:

def solve_part1([_x1, _x2, y1, _y2]), do: div(y1 * (y1 + 1), 2)



A bit of brute force shooting, the only mathy thing happening is that the max height is calculated from the initial vertical velocity. For shits & giggles I also made a version that shoots every projectile on its own thread. I was shocked to find that was not even faster! :smile:

Right, so I somehow absolutely did not want to brute force, so instead I implemented a thing where

  1. I get the list of x velocity candidates (which contains a tuple of {x, min_steps, stays_in_target_area?, max_steps}
  2. get a similar list of y velocity candidates ({y, min_steps, max_steps})
  3. effectively double that list of y velocity candidates because I only went for y < 0 (and all the positive ones are can be calculated from these)

and then for part one sort the ys, and get the first one for which we can find an x with corresponding steps

now for part two I ended up doing two approaches (which at least on this input data end up being equivalent performance wise)

  1. for each y velocity find all x velocities, that reach the target in same amount of steps
  2. make a map of %{nr_of_steps => %{ x: [list, of, x, velocities, in, this, amount, of, steps], y: [list, of, y, velocities, ...] }, ...}, and then do a Cartesian product of all the xes and ys

Anyhow, here’s the code for the curious: aoc/day-17.ex at 3bf7bf357a7431f427c0a0647dc163aeba73fc38 · ramuuns/aoc · GitHub

My approach is kinda brute force but it still runs in under 1 second on my laptop. The way I wrote part 1 I had all the target hits already, so part two was just swapping a count in for where I was getting the max.

Random question - Is there a cleaner/better way to do a ternary for assignment than this?

highest_peak = if y > highest_peak, do: y, else: highest_peak

Coming from a JavaScript/TypeScript background I’m used to doing something like:

highestPeak = y > highestPeak ? y : highestPeak

I’m just wondering if there is a terse syntax like this I can use in Elixir.

y > highestPeak && y || highestPeak

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Thank you! I knew there had to be a way.

You may also use Kernel.max/2 for the same purpose:

highest_peak = max(highest_peak, y)
def part_2 do
  target = parse_input()

  vels =
    for x <-,
        y <- target.y_range.first..-target.y_range.first do
      {x, y}

  Enum.count(vels, &valid?(&1, target))

Runs in 52ms. Full solution here

Definitely feels like I’m missing something, but brute force worked well enough on my input: