Advent of Code 2022 - Day 1

For top N when N is a variable, then we can also use :gb_sets or build a priority queue to do the job.


I was going to suggest that but if I remember correctly it does not allow for duplicate values. Elves with equal calories were not explicitly forbidden from being in the top 3 so that could lead to a bad result. Youā€™d have to build the queue including the index from the original input like `{calories, ndx}'. Tuples get sorted by elements in order, so the gb_set would still give you the right top N, you just have to then extract the calories from the tuples.


The solution I initially had (the one that got me the stars) was with :gb_sets but then I realized, what if one of the top 3 have dupes in them? One other option was to use :gb_trees and then use a counter as value that increments when the key exists (Not sure of how it would turn out but seemed okay in my head) but I was too tired so scraped that and did the good old sort and take. Also, performance didnā€™t seem to matter much between those two. However, performance mattered a little when I parsed for \n\n vs reducer with cons-swapping.

Anyways, hereā€™s the solution: advent_of_code/day_01.ex at master Ā· code-shoily/advent_of_code Ā· GitHub

Also: Nice seeing you again @Aetherus hope to learn from your solutions this year again. :slight_smile:

I wonder if we can design a heap that only contains 3 elements. And pass all the calorie sums in it and at the end, just sum all heapā€™s elements up. This could be slightly space efficient, but with the number of data given, shouldnā€™t improve much in terms of speed. (Although something tells me we are getting a massive version of calorie data soon)

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Iā€™ve built my own priority queue in order to solve LeetCode problems :sweat_smile:

defmodule PriorityQueue do
  @moduledoc """
  A stateless priority queue implementation basing on pairing heap.

  @initial_serial -Bitwise.bsl(1, 64)

  defstruct size: 0,
            serial: @initial_serial,
            heap: nil,
            key_fun: nil

  @typep serial :: integer()
  @typep pairing_heap(key, value) :: nil | {{key, serial()}, value, [pairing_heap(key, value)]}
  @opaque t(key, value) :: %__MODULE__{
            size: non_neg_integer,
            serial: serial(),
            heap: pairing_heap(key, value),
            key_fun: (value -> key)

  @doc """
  Create an empty priority queue.
  @spec new((value -> key)) :: t(key, value) when key: any(), value: any()
  def new(key_fun \\ nil), do: %__MODULE__{key_fun: key_fun || (& &1)}

  @doc """
  Get the size of a priority queue.
  @spec size(t(any, any)) :: non_neg_integer()
  def size(%__MODULE__{size: size}), do: size

  @doc """
  Put an item into a priority queue.
  Returns a new priority queue.
  @spec push(t(key, value), value) :: t(key, value) when key: any(), value: any()
  def push(%__MODULE__{size: size, heap: heap, key_fun: key_fun, serial: serial} = pq, value) do
    %{pq | size: size + 1, heap: meld(heap, to_heap(value, key_fun, serial)), serial: serial + 1}

  @doc """
  Get and delete the smallest item in the priority queue.
  If the queue is empty, returns `{:error, :empty}`,
  otherwise returns `{:ok, smallest_item, new_priority_queue}`.
  @spec pop(t(key, value)) :: {:ok, value, t(key, value)} | {:error, :empty}
        when key: any(), value: any()
  def pop(%__MODULE__{size: 0}), do: {:error, :empty}

  def pop(%__MODULE__{size: size, heap: {_key, value, sub_heaps}} = pq) do
    {:ok, value, %{pq | size: size - 1, heap: pair(sub_heaps)}}

  @doc """
  Get the smallest element in the priority queue.
  @spec top(t(key, value)) :: {:ok, value} | {:error, :empty}
        when key: any(), value: any()
  def top(%__MODULE__{size: 0}), do: {:error, :empty}
  def top(%__MODULE__{heap: {_, value, _}}), do: {:ok, value}

  @doc """
  Merge two priority queues. Crashes if the given priority queues have different key functions.
  @spec merge!(t(key, value), t(key, value)) :: t(key, value)
        when key: any(), value: any()
  def merge!(%__MODULE__{key_fun: f} = pq1, %__MODULE__{key_fun: f} = pq2) do
      key_fun: f,
      serial: max(pq1.serial, pq2.serial),
      size: pq1.size + pq2.size,
      heap: meld(pq1.heap, pq2.heap)

  def merge!(%__MODULE__{}, %__MODULE__{}) do
    raise ArgumentError, "Can't merge priority queues with different key functions."

  defp to_heap(value, key_fun, serial) do
    {{key_fun.(value), serial}, value, []}

  @spec meld(pairing_heap(key, value), pairing_heap(key, value)) :: pairing_heap(key, value)
        when key: any(), value: any()
  defp meld(nil, heap), do: heap
  defp meld(heap, nil), do: heap
  defp meld({k1, v1, sub1}, {k2, _v2, _sub2} = heap2) when k1 < k2, do: {k1, v1, [heap2 | sub1]}
  defp meld(heap1, {k2, v2, sub2}), do: {k2, v2, [heap1 | sub2]}

  @spec pair([pairing_heap(key, value)]) :: pairing_heap(key, value)
        when key: any(), value: any()
  defp pair([]), do: nil
  defp pair([node]), do: node
  defp pair([node1, node2 | rest]), do: meld(meld(node2, node1), pair(rest))

My first go at AoC in Elixir:

    {_ok, data} ="input_day1.txt")
    |> String.split("\n")
    |> Enum.chunk_by(&(String.length(&1) == 0))
    |> Enum.filter(fn el -> case el do
                              [""] -> false
                              _ -> true
    |> sums ->, &String.to_integer/1) end)
    |> Enum.sort(&(&1 >= &2))
    |> Enum.take(3)
    |> Enum.sum

Not very fond of the anonymous function in the Enum.filter line.

A bit cleaner way of doing it:

  [""] -> false
  _ -> true

or maybe just Enum.reject(& &1 == [""])

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Using streams.

part 1

start = System.monotonic_time(:microsecond)!("input.txt")
|> Stream.transform([], fn
  "\n", acc -> {[acc], []}
  line, acc -> {[], [(line |> String.trim_trailing() |> String.to_integer()) | acc]}
|> Enum.max()
|> tap(fn sum -> IO.puts "The maximum is #{sum}" end)

elapsed = System.monotonic_time(:microsecond) - start
IO.puts "Job done in #{elapsed} Āµs"

part1 with the elf number!("input.txt")
|> Stream.transform([], fn
  "\n", acc -> {[acc], []}
  line, acc -> {[], [(line |> String.trim_trailing() |> String.to_integer()) | acc]}
|> Stream.with_index(1)
|> Enum.max_by(fn {v,_i} -> v end)
|> tap(fn {v,i} -> IO.puts "The maximum is #{v} with elf number #{i}" end)

part 2

start = System.monotonic_time(:microsecond)!("input.txt")
|> Stream.transform([], fn
  "\n", acc -> {[acc], []}
  line, acc -> {[], [(line |> String.trim_trailing() |> String.to_integer()) | acc]}
|> Enum.sort(:desc)
|> Enum.take(3)
|> Enum.sum()
|> tap(fn sum -> IO.puts "The maximum is #{sum}" end)

elapsed = System.monotonic_time(:microsecond) - start
IO.puts "Job done in #{elapsed} Āµs"

part 2 with the elves numbers!("input.txt")
|> Stream.transform([], fn
  "\n", acc -> {[acc], []}
  line, acc -> {[], [(line |> String.trim_trailing() |> String.to_integer()) | acc]}
|> Stream.with_index(1)
|> Enum.sort_by(fn {v,_i} -> v end, :desc)
|> Enum.take(3)
|> Enum.reduce({0,[]}, fn {v,i}, {sum,lst} -> {sum+v, [i | lst]} end)
|> tap(fn {sum, lst} -> IO.puts "The maximum is #{sum} with elves number #{inspect(lst)}" end)

Iā€™m fairly new to Elixir and functional programming, I would love to get feedback on my solution. I have to admit it took me a while to figure out how Enum.chunk_while/4 works. I have never used a similar function in another language, even after many years in object-oriented programming.

defmodule AdventOfCode2022.Day1 do
  @moduledoc """

  def part_1 do
    |> Enum.take(1)

  def part_2 do
    |> Enum.take(3)
    |> Enum.sum()

  defp elves do
    |>!() # Read the input file line by line
    |> # Remove all leading and trailing whitespaces
    |> Enum.chunk_while([], &chunk_func/2, &after_func/1) # Create a list of nested lists containing the calories of every elf
    |> # Calculate the sum of calories for every elf
    |> Enum.sort(:desc) # Sort the elves based on their calories total

  defp chunk_func(_separator = "", accumulator), do: { :cont, accumulator, [] }
  defp chunk_func(calories, accumulator), do: { :cont, [ String.to_integer(calories) | accumulator ] }

  defp after_func([]), do: { :cont, [] }
  defp after_func(accumulator), do: { :cont, accumulator, [] }

Looks good to me! These are things i thought were interesting when i did day 1 - explore other stdlib things. Less about ā€œimprovingā€ your existing solution since it looks good!

  • You could merge Enum.sum into your chunk function by changing your accumulator to 0 and [ String.to_integer(calories) | accumulator ] would turn into String.to_integer(calories) + accumulator. Saves you one Enum pass
  • For part 1, you can avoid sorting using Enum.max (others have mentioned top-k algos above for part 2)
  • since youā€™re already using!, you might try playing around converting some of your Enum calls to their respective Stream calls. If you run a profiler, you might notice differences in time, cpu, and especially memory used (more difference for full input)

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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i =!("input")
  |> String.split("\n\n")
  |> s -> s
    |> String.split("\n")
    |> Enum.sum()

i |> Enum.max()
  |> IO.inspect(label: :part1)

i |> Enum.sort(:desc)
  |> Enum.take(3)
  |> Enum.sum()
  |> IO.inspect(label: :part2)