Advent of Code Day 13

part 1:

part 2:

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I wonder if anyone here could help me out to position doctest outputs better. Right now I have

@doc """

      iex> part2(example_input())

      iex> part2(my_input())


And I don’t like that the first line is misplaced by one ". I’d like the output to be more like

@doc """

      iex> part2(example_input())

      iex> part2(my_input())


I’d be very thankful :slight_smile:

The following should work:

iex> part2(my_input()) |> IO.puts
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mix test
Compiling 1 file (.ex)

  1) doctest Day13.part2/1 (3) (Day13Test)
     Doctest failed
       iex> part2(example_input()) |> IO.puts
     code:  part2(example_input()) |> IO.puts === "#####
     left:  :ok
     right: "#####\n#...#\n#...#\n#...#\n#####"
       lib/day13.ex:119: Day13 (module)


Finished in 0.5 seconds (0.5s async, 0.00s sync)
55 doctests, 1 failure

Randomized with seed 958985

Sorry, I should’ve been clearer that these are doctests, not commands in iex repl. Using IO.puts in doctests results in :ok being returned instead of the value that’s been printed.

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Here’s my solution.

This advent of code (not day13 specifically) is making me fall in love with comprehensions, I never realized they were so convenient and powerful.

Not spending a lot of time on this one.

This one was surprisingly straightforward for a Day 13. I am really curious how the next ones will be. I have never got this far in the AoC before. :slight_smile:

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Looks similar to others, and not particularly pretty. But had a little fun and added a function that would print the code in color. E.g.


Sure you could make it fancier with some box-drawing chars.

LiveBook solution:

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Outputs something like this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Also used NimbleParsec just for fun.

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Part 2 solved in Livebook with VegaLite :slight_smile:

(Full solution)


Implemented part 2 before even realizing it is already the solution for part 1 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I used this function to map over the coordinates:

def fold_coord({x, y}, {n, axis}) do
  case axis do
    :x -> if x < n, do: {x, y}, else: {2 * n - x, y}
    :y -> if y < n, do: {x, y}, else: {x, 2 * n - y}

Full solution here

I optimized my solution to use MapSet after watching @josevalim 's video

dots =
  |> Enum.take(1)
  |> Enum.reduce(dots, fn
    {"x", at}, dots ->
      for {x, y} <- dots, into:, do: {at - abs(at - x), y}

    {"y", at}, dots ->
      for {x, y} <- dots, into:, do: {x, at - abs(at - y)}


full solution

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