Announcing a new Autonomous Decentralized Systems Framework for Elixir

I’m already added to contributors and could have some free time soon-ish. But I have to be honest: from a cursory glance I still have no clue what you guys are actually after.

Do you have filled issues with well-defined scope and a clear deliverable?

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@dimitarvp This is good, thanks for asking. I have created 12 issues, mostly around stabilizing the core with tests and a few tech debt minimizers for the long term. However, I still do need to crystalize what it means to get to version 1.0. Basically we are looking to be able to run some rather simplistic behavior trees running with sequence, selector, and parallel control nodes. I have been running a (very) basic mock sequence (it runs automatically if you run iex -S mix) but I’ve been working to sort out the right way to tick the tree (right now I’m using Process.send_after after each tick) which works fine for now but might be improved upon. Also there are a few other details of BT’s that we need to work through. Basically, a lot of functionality is still a bit up for discussion, although I have a pretty good grasp of the overall direction we can take to get to 1.0. I’ll add a Roadmap to the readme with more details.

@ericsteen Can you send me and invite to the automata slack channel? email is

@ericsteen, great. Though I am kinda new in Elixir, Last 3 months serious about it. I mainly worked with Python. I wish that it will grow and create a enrich ecosystem in Elixir Community. I am interested. I will contribute as much as I can. kamranhossain is my github id.