Are there any detailed walkthroughs of complicated Elixir apps?

I could be wrong (I often am!), but I believe this to be impossible. You can’t learn to write production code from books (or, from an author’s perspective: you can’t write a book to teach someone to write production code). A book that attempted to do this would literally be a book about everything an experienced programmer brought to the table, from the specifics of the language and ecosystem, to overarching concepts, to nitty-gritty pragmatic tips and tricks. It would be an indigestible monster, and an inevitable failure. Books aim to teach, and essential to teaching is to focus on the level and lesson at hand, excluding confusing side issues.

By analogy with music: you just couldn’t have a book to make you a confident pro guitar player. It would be a thousand confusing volumes. So instead boks focus on scales or harmony or the fretboard, and the reader uses them as steps on the way.

That said, I would agree the market for programming books has been skewed toward beginners books. This does seem to be changing.