Avoiding Ecto/Postgrex Logging Unique Constraint Failure

Because of how I’ve designed ibGib, I create an inordinate amount of duplicate records. This is unavoidable and by design. However, I accrue a lot of log messages like the following:

postgres          | ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "ibgibs_ib_gib_index"
postgres          | DETAIL:  Key (ib, gib)=(query, 5ED058551DCFEE680FE114B0425129B469477A2842979C19D0E93B97E36436A1) already exists.
postgres          | STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO "ibgibs" ("data","gib","ib","rel8ns","inserted_at","updated_at") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) RETURNING "id"

and here is the changeset validation code (not sure if it helps):

def changeset(content, params \\ :empty) do
  |> cast(params, @required_fields, @optional_fields)
  |> validate_required([:ib, :gib, :rel8ns])
  |> validate_length(:ib, min: @min_id_length, max: @max_id_length)
  |> validate_length(:gib, min: @min_id_length, max: @max_id_length)
  |> validate_change(:rel8ns, &ValidateHelper.do_validate_change(&1,&2))
  |> validate_change(:data, &ValidateHelper.do_validate_change(&1,&2))
  |> unique_constraint(:ib, name: :ibgibs_ib_gib_index)

From my understanding, the changeset cannot test for the unique constraint without it having to hit the db and failing. That’s :cool:, but the log messages are piling up! Is there a way to configure ecto and/or postgrex to filter this particular message only? I :heart: the utility of the logging overall and I use it constantly, so I don’t want to disable logging completely. It’s just that this particular message doesn’t provide any value for my use case.

Thanks! :smile:

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You can adjust your Postgres setting: “TERSE excludes the logging of DETAIL, HINT, QUERY, and CONTEXT error information.”

Create a migration with somethinbg like this in up function: ALTER DATABASE db_name SET log_error_verbosity to 'TERSE';


That looks soo close. My apologies…I apparently copied/pasted incorrectly. There is an additional line that is an ERROR. I’m editing the original post now.

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@yurko I think that gave me the right thing to google, which led me to this SO post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12385763/suppress-duplicate-key-value-violates-unique-constraint-errors

I should be able to modify my insert (since it’s simple enough) just as the answer says…thanks for your help and I’ll post how it goes! :+1: