Boundaries by Gary Bernhardt - Ruby Conf 2012

Loved the videos, but it does ring the bell of the hexagonal architecture I am still struggling with:

Specially the second talk, which directly states that this “Imperative Shell, Functional Core” is a subset of the Hexagonal architecture.

Basically what I still don’t get is why some people seem to love this kind of stuff while others ( in the Elixir community ) seem to just shrug it and downright don’t like it.

I still don’t get what are the cons to using such layered architectures ( be it onion, lasagna, hexagonal, etc ) and unfortunately none of the videos talk about them.

I get that defining boundaries does have overhead, if you define a boundary for everything your code will quickly fill up with mocks, but I still think that the benefits/cost ratio one inherits is still overall positive.

I will say however, this Ruby video was one of the best Erlang/Elixir videos I have seen!

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