
Continuing the discussion from Developers using Twitter:

Huh? Why is replying making a new topic? o.O
It’s not closed or anything… Discourse bug?

What have you thought of buffer? It was one of the ones I looked at a while back to broadcast updates of certain things but eventually ended up not using it because of a couple reasons, the big one being that it couldn’t “pull” from G+ to the others (admittedly G+'s API was a bit wibbly wobbly), so I ended up going with another.

The big thing I was trying at the time was just broadcasting updates of certain things, fairly simple overall.

Heh, yeah that keeps being my issue, and the fact my feed gets chock-full of what I’ve just found out is called “Promoted Posts” of things that I extremely don’t care to see in my threads, that and the poor discussion interface was never conducive to a good conversation there (I even find the default Discourse theme’s to have way too much whitespace as well, but eh, it lags less).

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Developers using Twitter