Building a best practices site for Phoenix, LiveView, Elixir, etc

I found out a super optimal Fibonacci sequence algorithm for Elixir:

So I was thinking, if snippets like this are collected, so we can use them in any project, just like using Emmet!

I am creating my personal project, which will be like a starter kit I can use for every other project that comes after.

I am adding all the best practices one by one, as I keep learning. I think the generators, documentations, phoenix framework generated code itself has lots of sensible defaults.

And I believe books, videos and tutorials are necessary to know why things are the way they are. Like Elixir Secure Coding Curriculum!

Plus there are tools like Dialixir, Sobelow, Credo.

Though it would be cool if we can have some default way of doing authorisation that can scale, just like Ecto library, and default Authentication generator along with an awesome Admin panel, CMS, plus anything else that Startups can use to jump start projects.