Cannot find ownership process for #PID<0.564.0>

None of those bellow works…

Process.put(:"$callers", [caller])
Sandbox.allow(Repo, caller, target) 

can you explain to me why this is a genserver? Nuvemx.RecommenderSystems.SimilarityServer

It looks like this genserver does not hold any important state. Why not just make it a module? Am I missing something?

It was a simple function…but rabbit spawn a new process for that function behind the scenes so it ends up being the same problem.

I want to get the argument of this rabbitmq function and do a database operation on it… just it.

I created a genserver just to allow it to access the database, but it doesn’t work either

Thank you guys!

I was able to solve it by thinking another approach. I decided to “await for messages” synchronously by using a recursive function. Since this functions runs inside a “Task” it has access to the database automatically… and it’s working.

defp consume(channel, queue, attempts \\ 1) do
    if attempts <= 30 do 
      AMQP.Basic.get(channel, queue)
      |> case do
        {:empty, _} ->
          :timer.seconds(10 * attempts)
          |> Process.sleep()
          consume(channel, queue, attempts + 1)
        {:ok, payload, _meta} ->
          AMQP.Queue.delete(channel, queue)
          similarities = Jason.decode!(payload)
        _ -> 
          {:error, "Rabbit is crazy"}
      {:error, "Rabbit is offline"}

This code looks much nicer and easier to rationalize!!

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