Central Error Handling in Phoenix

Hi! I want to understand Central Error Handling in Elixir/Phoenix.

I have learnt a bit about defexception & using action_fallback FallbackController. I want to understand the idiomatic practices for handling errors here.

Though I am not there yet, I will be using Phoenix Channels & Sockets extensively, while we are on this topic would also like to learn this.

I have tried googling quite a bit about it, if somebody can direct me to the right resources on this, that would be great. Thanks :slight_smile:

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So I am facing a peculiar challenge using Plug.ErrorHandler

  @impl Plug.ErrorHandler
  def handle_errors(conn, %{reason: %Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError{message: message}}) do
    |> put_status(:not_found)
    |> json(%{error: message})
    |> halt()

I checked the conn struct, Its properly setting the status, resp_body & all that but my test is receiving conn.status == nil & not conn.status == 404 What am I missing here?

describe "delete user" do
    test "error: deletes chosen user", %{conn: conn} do
      conn = delete(conn, ~p"/api/v1/users/profile")
      # FIXME: This is not working as expected
      # assert conn.status == 404
      assert conn.status == nil

Thanks :slight_smile:

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