CoherenceAssent - Add multi-provider support with Coherence

One step installation to add multi-provider support for your Phoenix app :rocket:

Out of the box support for OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, Twitter, Github, Facebook, and Google, and it’s super easy to add other providers.


I really like the straight-forward approach with Coherence that adds basic user registration and authentication to my app. But I needed Github auth too.

Instead of rolling my own I built this library so anyone can add multi-provider support in less than half a minute. There are some built-in logic that makes it a no-brainer library to use, e.g. if missing from the provider, it will prompt the user for a login_field/email.

Let me know if this is helpful for any of you! I would love to hear how it can be improved to be more flexible, or easier to use.