Command palettes in LiveView application – previous implementations?

Hi folks :wave:

I’ve been looking for examples of people implementing so-called command palettes in their live applications. Has anybody seen this implemented and (hopefully) open sourced?

Hoping that any examples of this would be of interest for the community at large (I for one love them when done right).

Take care all!

I built one for (hit cmd-k while on the site). It’s not LiveView though - ended up using Alpine JS & fuzzy - npm. I put it in root.html.heex so it’s available everywhere. Happy to paste the code here if of interest.


these might help:

by @andreaseriksson


Didn’t know – thanks for answering!

Also thanks for pasting code but outside of LiveView I feel I can manage implementing it on my own accord.

Really great job @mplatts per👌🏻

Those are great tips :ok_hand:t2: Thank you @outlog!

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I had planned to make a set of libraries called palettable where it would support static or dynamic command evaluation in the browser or on backend, and ideally would be a set of protocols so frontends and backend could be interchangeable, and not just limited to live view.

Alas, life got in the way.

I still really wanna do that though

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