Community Context Exercise/Learning Discussion

I was trying to more clearly understand your position on the need for structured error data - so I came across this: Error Handling in Elixir Libraries

One thing that occurred to me in the category of “actionable errors” is that quite frequently the effective action in response to the error is entirely independent of the error reason.

When I have just about enough time to drive to a meeting and the car fails to start then an error report as to whether the battery died due the overnight frost or because a racoon decided to make a snack of the wiring is entirely unhelpful in my objective of reaching the meeting on time - I have to face the fact that the car won’t get me there and quickly find an alternate mode of transportation in order to meet my immediate objective.

Detailed error information is important for error logging and consistent formatting is extremely helpful for mining the logs. Detailed and specific error messages are also essential in the UI in order to quickly and effectively direct the user towards corrective action (though in SPAs that logic is typically entirely contained within the browser). In most other cases I would expect that using ok/error tuples (with a reason string) in the role of an Either type is quite sufficient especially if the message is not intended for the user of the system (because then i18n could become an issue).

However I would likely augment their use with the approach described here in order to bypass the typical awkwardness associated with ok/error tuples.

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