Converting part of query to subquery (for paginating queries with joins)

Hello fellow Alchemists!

I have a problem like this:

I have User schema which has_many address Address. I want to paginate users with their addresses and get first page with 10 users like this:

query =
  from u in User,
  where: ilike(, "A%"),
  join: a in assoc(u, addresses),
Repo.paginate(query, 1, 10)

Scrivener operates on database rows, so if each user has 3 addresses, I will get 3 users with 3 addresses + 4th user with one address because underlying join expression returns:

u1, a1
u1, a2
u1, a3
u2, a4
u2, a5
u2, a6
u3, a7
u3, a8
u3, a9
u4, a10

I am thinking about writing my own custom pagination function that would change the from expression to subquery, so from

query =
  from u in User,
  where: ilike(, "A%"),
  join: a in assoc(u, addresses),
my_custom_paginate(query, 1, 10)

I would like to get:

from subquery(from u in User, 
  where: ilike(, "A%"), 
  limit: 10),
  join: a in assoc(u, addresses),

Is it possible to modify the query like that with existing Ecto.APIs or do I need to dig into internals?
Do you have some other solution to solve such problems or do you usually first load users and then preload other associations with subsequent queries?


The more I digged, the more I understood that Ecto doesn’t provide such functionality and that is probably for the better. Instead of modifying the original query, it is better to be explicit.

One idea that @wojtekmach showed me is to add preloads in the paginate funciton like this: Repo.paginate(query, pager, per_page, preloads: [:addresses]) A function that provides both pagination and preloads is explicit. Plus quite often, two queries to database would be more efficient than one because of the data duplication I showed in previous post (where each user was duplicated three times).