Correct tool for implementing shared state in a kubernetes cluster

You won’t get a benefit from the CRDT here. The issue with that is that the CRDT doesn’t merge values together. Instead, it focuses on the entire meta chunk being authoritative and the merge happens on the list of metas in a topic. Each tracked process gets a random reference (phoenix_pubsub/lib/phoenix/tracker/shard.ex at v1.1.2 · phoenixframework/phoenix_pubsub · GitHub) that identifies it.

If you try to approach the metadata as a way to do a text-based CRDT, it just won’t work. You will probably be better off with just dispatching PubSub messages in that case.

edit: Found an old thread discussing real-time collaborative text options (Realtime collaboration - #4 by tmbb)

I don’t think this will be super useful for OP, who probably just needs PubSub. (keep it simple)

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