Could use some feedback on this multistage dockerfile (1st elixir/phoenix deployment)

Here’s the version I ended up with. I tried to document all the steps.

As a reference:

Intel NUC Skull Canyon (quadcore core i7 mobile processor)

Phoenix 1.5 project with liveview enabled, no ecto.
Tailwind CSS and prometheus telemetry reporter added.

Initial build time: 1m17sec
Rebuild after a code change with all layers cached: 5sec (tested by changing one of the metrics in telemetry.ex)

Final image size: 19.7Mb (19.1 without openssl)

edit: @JovaniPink you’re free to use this example any way you like. I won’t be using docker compose myself. I prefer to use a local kubernetes cluster to get more kubernetes experience (trying k3d at the moment). But I’ll try to make notes about the things I run into and share them later on.

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental

# This experimental syntax needs to be enabled for --mount=type=cache to work
# It's a buildkit feature (see
# Buildkit basically creates a dependency tree which enables it to execute quite a few stages
# and other processes in parallel
# It will also skip stages completely if buildkit determines they aren't needed
# You might wonder why this is useful
# Let's say you add a test stage to your dockerfile which depends on your build stage
# By default the last stage in your Dockerfile is the build target (docker build --target <stage> .)
# Now if I run a docker build with --target test, it will ONLY execute the steps needed for that stage
# and others are skipped
# We need to be up-to-date with the master branch before we can merge so in CI we run the
# tests in jenkins only for the feature branches
# These tests are skipped in master yet we can still use the same multistage dockerfile,
# only the target is different
# Parts of the stage dependencies will still be the same like the deps stage in this file
# This means it will still use the docker cache created when running the test stage when you
# build the actual release
# I also recommend creating a .dockerignore file (especially for local use) to make sure
# the docker context stays as small as possible and you don't copy files into your stages
# that you don't need/want
# My current .dockerignore contents:
# .elixir_ls
# .git
# assets/node_modules
# deps
# _build

# Dependency stage
FROM hexpm/elixir:1.10.2-erlang-22.3.2-alpine-3.11.3 AS deps

# In case you're behind a proxy
ARG http_proxy
ARG https_proxy=$http_proxy


COPY config ./config
COPY mix.exs mix.lock ./


# Use the hex and rebar cache directories as cache mounts
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=~/.hex/packages/hexpm,sharing=locked \
    --mount=type=cache,target=~/.cache/rebar3,sharing=locked \
      mix do \
      local.rebar --force,\
      local.hex --force,\
      deps.get --only prod

# Build Phoenix assets
# Using stretch for now because it includes Python
# Otherwise you get errors, could use a smaller image though
FROM node:13.13.0-stretch AS assets
WORKDIR /app/assets

COPY --from=deps /app/deps /app/deps/
COPY assets/package.json assets/package-lock.json ./
# Use the npm cache directory as a cache mount
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=~/.npm,sharing=locked \
      npm --prefer-offline --no-audit --progress=false \
      --loglevel=error ci

COPY assets/ ./

RUN npm run deploy

# Create Phoenix digest
FROM deps AS digest
COPY --from=assets /app/priv ./priv
RUN mix phx.digest

# Create release
# phx.digest also does a partial compile
# I tested doing the "mix do compile, phx.digest, release" in a single stage
# This made things quite a bit worse
# It meant it would do a complete recompile even if just a single line of code changed
# With the stages separated most of the compilation is cached
# On my machine (quadcore mobile i7 from a few years ago) it only takes around 5 seconds
# after I change a single line of code to build a new image because almost everything is cached
# Initial build time (including pulling all images which depends on your network speed) it takes
# around 1 minute and 20 seconds
FROM digest AS release
COPY lib ./lib
RUN mix do compile, release

# Create the actual image that will be deployed
FROM alpine:3.11.3 as deploy

# openssl might not be needed if ssl is handled outside the application (ex. kubernetes ingress)
# It adds around 0.6Mb to the image size
# I'm thinking about creating multiple nodes and having them communicate between each other through ssl
# so I leave it for now
# If anyone knows when to include it or when not to, please share :)
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apk,sharing=locked \
      apk add openssl ncurses-libs

# Don't run the app as root
USER nobody

# Set WORKDIR after setting user to nobody so it automatically gets the right permissions
# When the app starts it will need to be able to create a tmp directory in /app

# Include chown to make sure the files have the correct permissions
# You might think you could do a "RUN chown -R nobody: /app" after the copy
# DON'T do this, it will add an extra layer which adds about 10Mb to the image
# Considering an image for a new phoenix app ends up around 20Mb that's a huge difference
COPY --from=release --chown=nobody: /app/_build/prod/rel/phoenix ./

# SECRET_KEY_BASE will be provided when running the application
ENV HOME=/app \


# To test the image locally:
# docker build -t phoenix .
# docker run -p 4000:4000 --env SECRET_KEY_BASE="<your secret key base>" phoenix
ENTRYPOINT ["bin/phoenix"]
CMD ["start"]