Could you tell me how to solve unsafe warning for "receive"?

There is always the option to refactor:

def eat_with_forks (phil, table) do
  receive do 
    {:eat, forks} ->
      |> eat(forks, table)
      |> think(table)

def dine(phil, table) do
  send table, {:sit_down, self(), phil}
  |> eat_with_forks(table)
  |> dine(table)

In other case of if statement, I am annoyed.

There is no equivalent to C’s:
if '(' expr ')' stmt [ else stmt ]

The if in Elixir is like the ternary or conditional operator:

logical-OR-expression ? expression : conditional-expression

so there always has to be an else - if you leave out the else it assumes:

logical-OR-expression ? expression : nil

which may not be what you want.

Furthermore between the if and the else and the else and the end isn’t a block of statements - it’s a sequence of expressions; the value of that sequence is the value of the last expression in the sequence - the values of the preceding expressions are ignored which means they are executed for their side-effect (which often is binding the value to a name).

Finally = isn’t an assignment - it’s a match - the name(s) on the left hand side is(are) bound to a value(values) that will make it(them) match to the right hand side (if that is possible - see the pin operator).

Also see: