CubDB, a pure-Elixir embedded key-value database

Thanks @mgibowski ,
I think though that you misunderstood the comment you quoted: it means that the exact binary representation of terms could change between OTP releases, not that future releases might be unable to deserialize a binary created in older releases.

As a matter of fact, in the issue you posted, previous OTP releases were already “prepared” to be able to deserialize the new format that was to be introduced in the later release.

The issue with RabbitMQ was that it relied on hashing a binary created with term_to_binary and using the hash as an identifier. This can break, because if the binary format changes across OTP releases (even without breaking binary_to_term), the hash would change too.

CubDB uses term_to_binary only for its intended purpose: to serialize a term so that it can later be deserialized using binary_to_term. This should be safe across OTP releases.