Current_user not existing when testing page authorization

Hey guys I’m having a hard time understanding why I’m facing this issue:
I’m assigning a logged in user like this

  conn =
        |> Map.replace!(:secret_key_base, SerotanaExWeb.Endpoint.config(:secret_key_base))
        |> init_test_session(%{current_user_id:})
        |> assign(:current_user, user)
        |> bypass_through(SerotanaExWeb.Router, :browser)

The test then tries to check all the live routes to see make sure that a logged in user can access them:

test "Access client pages", %{conn: conn, user: user, post: post} do
      assert html_response(get(conn, "/c/posts"), 200)
      assert html_response(get(test_conn, "/c/posts/new"), 200)
      assert html_response(get(test_conn, "/c/proposals"), 200)
      assert html_response(get(test_conn, "/c/clients/#{}"), 200)
      assert html_response(get(test_conn, "/c/clients/#{}/show/edit"), 200)
      assert html_response(get(test_conn, "/c/posts/#{}/edit"), 200)
      assert html_response(get(test_conn, "/c/posts/#{}"), 200)
      assert html_response(get(test_conn, "/c/posts/#{}/show/edit"), 200)

When I run a pry in my tests the conn has the current_user
I have a made plug that checks to see if client has access:

 def check_page_permissions(conn, _opts) do
    %{request_path: path} = conn

    cond do
      String.contains?(path, "/c/") -> check_client_access(conn)
      String.contains?(path, "/t/") -> check_therapist_access(conn)
      String.contains?(path, "/a/") -> check_admin_access(conn)
      true -> conn

Now when I run the pry there, the current_user is nil
I’m not understanding why or how.

Anyways, do you think you guys can help me out?

I think I’m misinterpreting a concept for testing, conn, and plugs but I have no idea.