Did anybody use Reason with bucklescript-tea, and how was the overall experience?

Dune is JBuilder. I believe they renamed it just before hitting 1.0 because they didn’t want confusion with the Java project by the same name.

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Ah, gotcha. That makes sense, I also thought the name sounded like something from Java.

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I couldn’t find a BetterErrors library that could be used with standard ocaml/dune. I saw this: GitHub - gasche/ocaml-better-errors: Make OCaml Errors Great Again and this GitHub - reasonml-old/BetterErrors: Make OCaml/Reason errors prettier, but thats been deprecated I think. I think the new one only works with Bucklescript. Maybe I’m just not seeing how to integrate it? Also, can it be used in utop?

Also, I read somewhere in the git issues on bucklescript-tea that there is a Elm-style debugger (web-based pop-up panel), is there any documentation on how to use it? I can’t just pass --debug to Bucklescript like in Elm. Since that would be a bucklescript-tea thing anyways and not Bucklescript.

Also, is there any way to use bucklescript-tea in a REPL? Like in utop? I don’t like having to fire up an elm project to try to use the elm repl to try various things.

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ocaml-better-errors was the original bit but a lot of it was basically brought into ocaml’s compiler itself.

Someone PR’d in a little tiny one, it works decently, could be prettier, but it works for it’s purpose, could always use some more work though. You can see how to use it in the tests, you basically just wrap your main function with it (meaning you can even turn it on or off on load time if you so wished).

Well the update/init/etc… are all very basic and don’t actually “do” anything themselves, so sure, load it up in the repl and start running or testing your things, should work fine I’d imagine. :slight_smile:

Lol, someone made a PPX for my bucklescript-tea library to support JSX syntax. ^.^