Discussion about domain-orientated folder structures in Phoenix

Hey @chrismccord, it’s great to hear your thoughts on this issue :slight_smile:

I feel I’m missing something here. Where would this code go? I’m assuming it would replace the default in HelloWeb:

use Phoenix.View, root: "lib/hello_web/templates", namespace: HelloWeb

If that’s the case then wouldn’t this just move the template root to another folder for all views? My goal is to customize the template folder per view.

Another way to interpret your suggestion is to add that line inside each view, i.e.

defmodule HelloWeb.UserView do
  use HelloWeb, :view
  use Phoenix.View, root: "lib/hello_web/user/templates", path: "*"

If that’s the case, then I think we’d have to remove the call to use Phoenix.View in the HelloWeb module, otherwise it would be called twice.

Wrt to DDD, we treat the the web as the domain.

Fair enough. I can see this being easier to grasp for most people starting with Phoenix. It’s just for us who got accustomed to organizing code by domain it wasn’t so obvious, hence my question :slight_smile: