Discussion: Onion Architecture

However, I am intrigued by the clear separation between domain, application, and infrastructure code.

I’m not against being organized (i.e. observing separation of concerns) - in fact most of the success stories are probably based on the fact that projects went from not managing boundaries and dependencies appropriately to starting to having to think about them - but that doesn’t give the onion architecture “special powers”.

Most apps that I encounter in the wild are “database first” and place the infrastructure layer in the middle.

To certain degree that is simply an matter of perspective - and typically there are multiple perspectives. The onion architecture’s primary claim to fame is the direction of the interfaces - something that can’t even be discerned in the primary graphic. The domain logic gets to dictate the interfaces and types and the infrastructure has to implement everything based on those constraints.

So for example in Java-land that would mean that none of the classes in Java.sql would be allowed in the domain code, even something as convenient as ResultSet because that would ultimately couple the domain logic with the notion of a relational database. From the perspective of the Dependency Inversion Principle this has always been the right thing to do:

  • High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
  • Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.

By extension Ecto.Changeset has no business appearing anywhere in your domain logic because Ecto is ultimately only part of your infrastructure - not your domain. So according to DDD you would have to build a repository around Ecto’s repo and transform all inbound and outbound data to basic and domain datatypes - no leaking of changesets and schemas allowed.

it doesn’t seem obvious to a good number of smart people I’ve worked with.

Loose coupling adds effort upfront. So a lot of those “smart people” will accept tight coupling either of their own accord (laziness) or because of pressure by management to produce something (we need this yesterday).