Django vs Phoenix

There are already pretty good answers here.

Django(advantages in my opinion):

Comes with admin panel which is very good and have an excellent support.
Include it’s own ORM.
Session support is very good.
Each feature will be broken down into smaller apps by default.
third party library support is good.
More jobs.
Django rest framework is very good for building api’s.

Disadvantages:(In my opinion)

Bloated with lot of extra features.
deployment is little difficult.
No dedicated forum as good as this one.
No built in modules like Gen servers to handle jobs processing.


Not bloated
Excellent built in tools for RTC
Genservers are great to have.
Ecto is very good.

But at the end It all comes down to your needs.

You are building e commerece website . Instead of building admin panel from scratch go with Django saves you a lot of time.

You are building app with lot of background job processing and real time communication go with phoenix.

Hope this helps…