Do we need Phoenix at all?

I’m not exactly sure how I could have left you with that impression. I value knowledge and skill in relation to it’s half-life. Framework skills have a pretty short half-life, usually much shorter than the language it’s written in (knowing how to build an application or feature specific framework is more useful).

Personally I often resent the opportunity cost that learning a batteries-included framework imposes because sometimes the details it tries to protect me from would actually be helpful in creating a better mental model of what is actually going on.

The advice to use a framework usually comes from a “productivity” perspective - i.e. don’t get delayed by re-inventing the wheel (incorrectly). However using frameworks also move software development from a problem solving/design activity more towards a manufacturing activity.

And then there are times where: Productive is a massive red herring

As to my attitude towards jQuery - here.