Do you support replacing Brunch with Parcel in Phoenix?

I’ve discussed this before, so I’ll just post a link to my comment in another thread: How to plug in webpack 2.0 into phoenix 1.3.0-rc

Essentially, I can’t use brunch as my packager, because they’ve opted to derive plugin load order from the order in package.json, which is always alphabetized on modification. This breaks a very common workflow for me, which means my first task on any Phoenix app is stripping out Brunch and moving to Webpack. Is it a huge amount of work? No. However, it’s certainly annoying.

On topic: I’d be wary of using another “zero config” package manager for this same reason. I don’t think it’s feasible, or responsible, to try to handle this in a way that will work for everyone. Webpack is a better default because it’s more configurable, and package bundling just isn’t a spot where convention wins over configuration (however much I wish that were true).

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