Do you support replacing Brunch with Parcel in Phoenix?

Phoenix was never joined at the hip to Brunch and it’s inclusion wasn’t meant as an endorsement - it was merely a convenience.

Then shouldn’t brunch be opt-in rather than out-of-the-box default? It might be a moot point though as brunch doesn’t seem to be maintained anymore.

The discussion has been going on for a while in Potentially removing brunch from the Phoenix new template generator.

I think it either has to be the most used bundler, afaik that’s webpack, or Phoenix has to have its own bundler/pipeline built in that will be maintained (e.g., could be npm scripts, or a javascript file). Or at last, if the core team really doesn’t want to get hands dirty with JS bundlers, don’t have it as part of the default setup.

I got to say; this JS bundler mess has made me see the rails pipeline in a new light :slight_smile:

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