Does the --no-assets flag still include any conversion process to a file in etc?

If I start an app with --no-assets and place a css file in assets/app.css is it still supposed to be generated into a file in priv/static/asets/app.css ?

I started a session with --no-assets and when I change files in assets/app.css no updates take place and no files (appear) to change in priv/static/asets/app.css

When I go to priv/static/asets/app.css css takes effect as expected.

My question is , is this expected behavior?

If it is, what are the assumptions around how developers are expected to work with --no-assets? If it’s not expected behavior, I am unsure what I am doing wrong. Everything seems to be in it’s correct directory.

in lib/app/components/layout/root.html.heex the following line is listed:

I think the expectation would be taht --no-assets doesn’t generate an assets folder in the first place.

The folder is generated. The contents are omitted