Dynamic joins in Ecto Queries?

So close… if I need to supply an ad-hoc argument (i.e. a variable) that specifies conversions for the join, fragment() raises an error:

    # A user-supplied conversion
    f1 = "CAST(? AS VARCHAR)"

    from(a in query,
      join: b in ^other_module,
          [{^binding, tbl1}, {^assn, tbl2}],
          fragment(^f1, field(tbl1, ^id1)) == field(tbl2, ^id2)
      as: ^assn
    |> add_join(rest, schema)


** (Ecto.Query.CompileError) to prevent SQL injection attacks, fragment(...) does not allow strings to be interpolated as the first argument via the `^` operator, got: `f1`

That lead me to this post: Ecto not allowing string interpolation in fragments? - #22 by tfwright

I hadn’t known that there was once a fragment_unsafe macro, but I’m wishing that it were still around. I’ve been playing around with Code.eval_quoted but I can’t seem to figure out the syntax to make fragment accept a user-supplied variable to do the cast operation I need.