Not really. The Elixir community is well known to be upfront to tell when Elixir is not a good fit, and we have examples of that in this forum

Are there any free open-sources in Phoenix (like Solidus and Spree in Rails)?
I am not aware of any. As Elixir is much younger language with more niche community, I wouldn’t bet that there are any “big” products like these.
I am not aware of Spree, but Elixir already have some e-commerce stuff, and can be found on this forum:
Or this book by @shankardevy to build an e-commerce store form scratch:

Shankar Dhanasekaran releases the HTML (online) version of his famous book Mastering Phoenix Framework for free at this link. I was lucky to read this book since its first version and in my opinion it’s one of the best books Elixir community will ever have. The book creates a complete E-Commerce application using the test driven approach with unit tests and acceptance tests using the Hound library, and Phantomjs as the headless browser. It’s of course a great news for people who just started …