Earmark is looking for a maintainer

May I ask from your maintainer’s perspective what you see as the next challenges and goals for the project?

Based on recent context [1] [2], I intuit that ex_doc’s needs have so specialized around its domain as to want to operate on markdown AST directly to generate its own HTML, and so after the split Earmark is mainly meant to be a general-purpose MD → HTML renderer that may or may not use EarmarkParser under the hood. That means that new releases will primarily be supporting 2nd-tier usecases like PhoenixMarkdown et al?

It’s a little hard to glean what a maintainer needs to step up to do next aside from triage, as many of the GH issues and discussions are still very pre-split and parser oriented, and the hex.pm downstream dependencies list is and will likely forever remain populated by every ex_doc consumer. :slight_smile: What are your hopes for the project post-handoff?