Easiest way to communicate way Elixir app, from Rails from project

Method 1

Use Phoenix as a reverse proxy and route all Rails calls through your Phoenix Project, while re-implementing them in Phoenix one by one. This ensures that your app does not break and you can focus on one call at a time.

Example implementation: https://blog.fourk.io/replace-your-production-api-with-elixir-today-4426a8903642#.tw34zily8

Method 2

If you want to go with the umbrella approach, you can do something that I did. I had an internal API written in Node.js, and now wanted to work on the WebApp in Phoenix. Created an umbrella app, with two sub-apps; The Phoenix one, and a GenServer that simply spawns the node app on boot.

Related links:

Method 3

Mix method 1 and 2 up!

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