Ecto :database Not Found

Okay, one question answered, last one was if you have properly updated the config into the new format.

It won’t work when you mixed things up. Either fully use 1.8 syntax or 1.9.

ohh, okay. I have not updated the config, as i was referring the old app (1.8) at first . when it didn’t workout i did few changes for the new app(1.9) then finally the app got deployed, post deployment i ran mix ecto.setup then found out this database not found error.

One of the referred blogs.

I will scratch it out and try a new deployment specific to 1.9. Will update here once thats done.
Thanks guys :+1:

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Finally i did it, i deployed it in heroku. first thing i scratched the previous deploy setup and added them again, second my prod.secret.exs had config :myapp, MyAppWeb.Repo which was not commented.
Issue deploying to gigalixir - (RuntimeError) connect raised KeyError exception: key :database not found , helped when i revisited this issue.
Thanks folks.

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