Ecto preload function discarding data

If I change the association to an invalid has_many, then it works:

defmodule Molly.Franchise do
  use Molly.Schema, :model

  schema "franchises" do
    field :name, :string
    belongs_to :league, Molly.League

    has_many :teams, Molly.Team

    # This is kind of a fake for preloading groups in a hierarchy
    # many_to_many :franchise_groups, Molly.FranchiseGroup, join_through: Molly.FranchiseAffiliation, join_keys: [franchise_id: :id, franchise_group_id: :id]
    has_many :franchise_groups, Molly.FranchiseGroup


Of course I get a warning: "warning: invalid association franchise_groups in schema Molly.Franchise: associated schema Molly.FranchiseGroup does not have field franchise_id"