Elixir Code Editors & IDEs - which one are you using? (Poll)

I wonder if those using SpaceMacs Evil mode opted to vote for Vim, as it’s sort of Vim on Emacs :lol:

One of the neat things about the poll here is that members can change their vote - so if you switch to something else later you can update your vote to reflect that.

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I also switched from Atom to Visual Studio Code I never gonna back :slight_smile:

For Elixir I use:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Spacemacs



VSCode for a visual editor but Neovim for most editing tasks. i.e. if I am going to work on a project for a decent length of time, I choose VSCode but if I am jumping all over the place and getting lots of smaller work done, I fall back to nvim for its speed and muscle-memory efficiency.

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I gave up on atom - too slow and crashy. My ideal would be spacemacs, but the experience in win 10 isn’t ideal for me (aligned with my experience of elixir in windows overall).

I use sublime 3 - it’s fast and has some good packages (mentioned above).


This, +Vim/NeoVim for me if I’m already on the terminal, but otherwise, spot on.

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Atom, because it’s nice.

NeoVim, because it’s fast, easier than emacs, and distraction free.


At 100 votes it looks like Vim and its variants (SpaceMacs included) is currently in the lead at 40%. Atom in second place at 26%. Followed by Sublime Text 3 at 11%.

I’m definitely going to give SpaceMacs another go this year :023: however one thing I wasn’t that keen on when I tried it last year, is it kept trying to make a connection to the internet, even though I think I had switched off checking for automatic updates… anyone know why that might be?

Well if you disabled update checking I remember hearing about a theme a while back that was doing its own custom updating, that has since been fixed though. If you can post the URL it is trying to connect to on their issue tracker they should get it fixed quickly though. :slight_smile:

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A fairer total would count Emacs and its variants (Spacemacs) separate from Vim. We are talking about editors here and not keybindings. :slight_smile:

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Sorry I meant to say SpaceMacs Evil Mode - which is like using Vim rather than Emacs …right?

Lots of editors have vim emulation though. Evil mode is popular in plain Emacs too.

So, no, using Spacemacs is literally using Emacs. :slight_smile:

But none of them are built almost precisely for it as is the case with SpaceMacs Evil Mode. This was also the reason I broke out SpaceMacs into two options - Evil Mode and Holy Mode - Holy Mode is the mode I would consider people opting for Emacs. Evil Mode is essentially for Vim users (or those wanting a Vim-like experience).

At least that is how I see it, perhaps others can chime in as well - would people who voted SpaceMacs Evil Mode be using SpaceMacs if only the Holy Mode was available to them? (I’m guessing not.)

I should add that obviously SpaceMacs is Emacs… but then, isn’t Emacs meant to be more like an OS :003:

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My “Other” response is Atom with Vim plugins. (I use that on MacOs, Windows and Ubuntu).


No. The reason I use Spacemacs at all is because I used to be all into vim and I really didn’t want to go back to emacs keybindings. I did want the Emacs packages, though, so the only natural choice was Spacemacs.

As a platform, it’s definitely Emacs all the way, but as an editor it’s a vim experience, tailored around SPC as a leader-key.

There are nice aspects to Spacemacs that you generally don’t get otherwise, like the idea of layers and whatnot, but those really are there also because a reasonable vim experience can only be had in emacs with a decent amount of customization for the packages you use.

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What plugins?
I tested IntelliJ 2016 with elixir plugin - propably it’s because of Windows (sic!), but it’s doesn’t work correctly. I stayed with Atom.

Using Proton with Atom, so basically Spacemacs in Atom form. Pretty nice, though can be a bit slow. The Elixir layer is good. The Git layer is excellent as well. Tried Spacemacs for a while, but didn’t really like emacs UI. Pretty shallow reasoning, but it’s a nice experience.

I clicked “Vim”, but using NeoVim :slight_smile:

Does any of these IDEs support debugging with breakpoints?

Pretty much what I feel about the terminal-based editors (Vim, Emacs, even in their GUI mode). I love editors that has nice UI aesthetics, that’s why I mainly use Atom and able to cope with it despite being heavy. For one, I can’t stand the look of NERDTree (Vim) and neotree (Emacs) compared to Atom’s Tree View.


How feasible is it for the average Spacemacs user to patch existing elisp packages to work well with Spacemacs? Vim and Holy vs Evil modes are foreign to me. I’m a plain old Emacs user and would hate to choose between the my preferred mode of interaction and access to packages. Spacemacs seems popular enough that a lot of use cases are well covered; maybe it’s not an issue.

Looking at Spacemacs from the outside I’ve got to say users who don’t recognize this are missing out on what makes Emacs great. Every interaction you have with Emacs, down to the individual characters you type, is made possible by readily available and fairly well-documented elisp code. You can use edebug to rapidly isolate problems and ielm elisp REPL to tinker. I highly recommend every Emacs/Spacemacs/*macs user read at least the elisp programming manual to get a better sense of what’s possible.

Brief anecdote: A couple days ago I ran into a minor interaction annoyance in alchemist-mode. When I typed C-c a h r to open the reference card it opened scrolled to the bottom. The content didn’t all fit in the window, so it took a moment to notice I was missing some above. A quick M-< is all I had to type to scroll to the top (even faster for me than C-home), but I didn’t want to do that every time. Using only Emacs’ internal documentation and an elisp buffer I quickly worked out how to get the refcard buffer to scroll to the top after it opened. Better still, I added the elisp to my init.el file and got the benefits right away without waiting for an improvement to get merged and published in a new release. I also made a more intuitive keyboard shortcut for it: C-c a ? (alchemist’s default key command prefix is C-c a). These simple changes have already paid big returns for my Elixir development workflow. At a glance I can learn more keyboard shortcuts that interface with mix, iex, tests, Elixir docs, project file search, etc.