Elixir Code Editors & IDEs - which one are you using? (Poll)

Used Atom for a long time and recently try to switch to VS Code because of it’s speed and powerful intellisense out-of-box.


For those who use VSCode, and have issues with syntax highlighting I posted a blog about how it fix it


I actually picked up learning Spacemacs specifically for Elixir. The Alchemist mode is easily the best IDE mode for Elixir that I’ve found (after trying Atom, IntelliJ/WebStorm mainly) but I really preferred the modal editor of Vim, so Spacemacs came to the rescue.

I think I got started with this guide: http://www.zohaib.me/spacemacs-and-alchemist-to-make-elixir-of-immortality/

My biggest gripe is that Emacs is terrible at ligatures in fonts. I really want to use Firacode for the awesome ligatures that make reading Elixir so nice, but I haven’t yet found a guide that could actually get those ligatures rendering.

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if you also want to have nice fonts you can try https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode
You need add to config

"editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code",
"editor.fontSize": 14,
"editor.fontLigatures": true,

I just downloaded and tried VSCode as a result of this poll, because it blew me away that it was number two on the list. I have to admit that it’s pretty impressive, especially coming in with low expectations.


I would say it’s third on the list (there are a few variants of Vim, such as NeoVim MacVim etc) or even fourth if you count SpaceMacs as an Emacs variant :lol:


I mostly use atom for elixir, but I’ve been trying out spacemacs and I’m considering switching and finally committing to learning vim keybinds.

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IntelliJ-Elixir integrated a Debugger with breakpoints on 5.1.0, check it out


Sublime text 3 here and starting with Spacemacs to learn a new one. I am liking it and will keep in dock along with st3.

As already told here spacemacs seems not to handle to good large files (csv, sql…). St3 is faster.

I also have atom installed but the crashes is annoying. I hope they fix it future.

Sublime Text 3 with vim bindings and a couple custom Elixir plugins and build systems. I also use vim when I’m working on remote servers.

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I use Visual Studio Code, because it’s quicker than Atom and supports all my languages (Python, Rust and Go). I’m starting out with Elixir, so I can’t vouch for the experience, but I’m using the most popular extension: vscode-elixir

Font ligatures make a big difference, makes pipe symbols and friends look very nice!

Vim is an awesome editor for Elixir but VSCode is pretty good too


I used VS Code for Elixir, but I like Webstorm for the front end (much better refactoring).

But the v5.0+ Elixir IntelliJ plugin with integrated debugger, it’s all Webstorm. Really helpful!

Migrating from Vim to Spacemacs on Evil mode.

I was an emacs addict on my early days, ELISP and the emacs ecosystem are great, but Vim’s modal editing got me.

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I wonder which editor was used to write erlang! Which one @joeerl and @rvirding?

I wonder which ones @josevalim and @chrismccord use :003:

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I use Sublime but I basically don’t care about editors. I only need syntax highlighting, basic autocomplete, the ability to put the cursor on multiple places and a macro that removes whitespace (and soon a macro that formats the file using the upcoming code formatter :D).

I believe Chris uses emacs with evil mode.


It’s right there in “Erlang: The Movie”. Emacs running under XWindows in a Sun Workstation xD

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I could quite happily use TextMate 2 (still the best looking editor Imo) if only they had split windows, and now after using SpaceMacs, auto-complete :lol:

If you haven’t tried SpaceMacs it’s definitely worth a look for Elixir dev :slight_smile: