Elixir Code Editors & IDEs - which one are you using? (Poll)

I am using an atom now. but in the near future I’m thinking of starting to use alchemist.vim.

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I used Spacemacs for about five months before giving up on it. I don’t know any lisp at all and it made configuration difficult on top of the load time and inability (for me) to run it in my shell relegating me to the emacsclient. NeoVim has replaced Vim for me.

There are certainly things about VSCode, Atom, and some IDEs that are pretty impressive, but I’m one of those people that refuse to rely on too many plugins and/or crutches for the same reason I refuse to use GUIs. I’m just a retro guy :smiley:

Do you use/are you familiar with Vim-Polyglot? https://github.com/sheerun/vim-polyglot

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Neovim with this setup.

The plugins I use for Elixir are deoplete, neosnippet, lexima.vim (for closing brackets), alchemist.vim, and Ale (for linting).

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GNU Emacs with Alchemist.

We definitely need a multi-select of the options. ^.^;

Where is the best place I can learn Spacemacs? I’m a heavy Vim user, but this thread has made me install spacemacs.

I got it running locally, with ~10 different language/package layers running.

It appears that I use space menu for everything… beyond this though I can’t really find a great ‘getting started 101’ guide, that goes over every basic I should know.

I find myself quite lost just wanting to do things like clear a buffer without having to hit 5 key combos, etc.

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Unfortunately I think the convention is self-discovery, e.g. clicking SPC and browse from there, keeping note of interesting combos along the way. Afaik if you use Evil-mode, most vim commands and keybindings work out-of-the-box (e.g. :bd).

For specific layers, you can consult the README of each layer to see the functionality and keybindings they provide (e.g. for Elixir).

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It’s not worth making a new thread for, but I’m just gonna say that VS Code actually is looking super decent as a choice for Elixir. With the ElixirLS project working really well and the general eco system for Elixir shaping up super well for VS Code things are looking good.

Though I love Emacs and Vim, VS Code really is made for extension out of the box and even for someone who’s not into JS and all that it was really easy to add an extension to actually do things. I think it has the highest potential to be good out of all the editors at the moment. I was going to add that the only way it could be better if it was scriptable in Scheme, but since you can outsource work to other stuff so easily it really isn’t a point worth making. They’re making good choices and I think VS Code will end up eating up most of my main usage when the languages I like start becoming more and more compatible. With the extension eco system being a priority I think it’ll accelerate faster than any other editor.


I have had good luck with Atom… Wondering which plugins Atom users like best?

In my opinion, other than learning the SPC menu by looking around and using it, also learn to hit ALT+x to access the Helm’s search, you can search for a command, so if you want to see how to copy something to the system clipboard then hit ALT+x and then type copy and see every command that has the word copy in it, you can scroll with the keyboard arrows (I have 98 results in mine for example) and it shows you the command to access it fast so you can learn the quick keys over time as well. :slight_smile:


Hey emacs people, I’m in love with the idea of using spacemacs for my development, but I do a lot of javascript and I’m finding support for js to be pathetic in emacs. Note that I’m talking about es2018, not es5. Quite a lot of Vue work at the moment as well.

Am I missing something important? The js modes seem to be significantly lacking, and it’s made me go back to VSCode.

Sorry for the derailment, just seemed like a decent opportunity given the emacs love I’m seeing above.

For a while I was under the impression that it just didn’t work well, as well - then I realised I wasn’t really setting the correct major mode for my vue files. This mode is awesome - tabbing can break if you have invalid code, if it’s behaving weirdly take a deep breath and look at it again


Dear all,

I have only recently noticed that VSCode as well as Intellij have opt-out policy for telemetry.
Moreover, even with opt-out, VSCode FAQ discloses that in some cases telemetry will take place no matter what (not sure which exceptions).
Further, Intellij seems to enable opt-out only for specific projects and it is at least burdensome to really opt-out.
I am not sure which is the case with other IDEs.
Has anyone investigated deeper the matter?
Is there a safe IDE that assures that what happens on my computer, stays on my computer?

Checkout VSCodium, drop in replacement for vscode without the telemetry.


Thanks for the tip! I will try it. BTW, are you sure that this one is totally ripped off any telemetry messages?

They don’t pass the telemetry flag during builds and automatically set the config values to false for the telemetry settings. More info: https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/blob/master/DOCS.md#disable-telemetry

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VSCodium apparently leaves ‘Enable Experiments’ on, which “fetches experiments to run from a Microsoft online service”.

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If you really want to make sure your IDE won’t send data over the wire, then the only solution is to use something like network namespaces or any kind of sandboxing that will prevent internet access by default.

On topic, I have been using almost exclusively VS code for the last few years. No other free editor I have tried on Linux over the years come close… I’ll give a look at VSCodium though!

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use vscode inside wsl and have a CPU spike problem with extension, gonna try Spacemacs and see if I like it


Thought Neovim will have more love :confused: