Elixir consume jobs from Delayed job table(Ruby)

Inserting Oban jobs from Rails is extremely easy. Here is the entirety of the rails model that we have defined:

class ObanJob < ApplicationRecord
  self.ignored_columns = %w[errors]

  # A simple wrapper around `create`
  def self.insert(worker:, args: {}, queue: 'default', scheduled_at: nil)
      worker: worker,
      queue: queue,
      args: args,
      scheduled_at: scheduled_at || Time.now.utc,
      state: scheduled_at ? 'scheduled' : 'available'

  validates :queue, presence: true
  validates :worker, presence: true

That’s all it takes for the model. Then you can insert new jobs like this:

ObanJob.insert(worker: “MyApp.Worker”, args: { id: 1 })

Some other options are supported in the helper, but not all of them. It’s easy to switch from names args to a hash is you want to support other things like max_attempts.

We insert jobs freely from the Rails side and it works very well. You don’t get multi or unique support, but it helps bridge the gap.