Elixir Deployment Tools - General Discussion, Blog Posts, Wiki

I’m getting a little worried when I look at elixir / phoenix deployment tools. We have such a great base but seem to somehow miss a great opportunity. Let me explain why I think this is:

  1. The way I understand it, edeliver, gatling and bootleg try to do the exact same thing. To try what capistrano does for the rails developers. Why is this bad? Because we could consolidate our efforts and save a lot of time. Also imagine someone new who has to look through and understand (at least partly) what the differences of these are so that he can decide which one he wants to use.
  2. Take a look at the following image and decide if you want to get started with a tool that has 12 open PR’s, some of them dating back a whole year with no comments from a maintainer?
  3. Most of the tools recommend to set up 3 hosts to get started (build, stage, production). I did that and got pretty good with ansible while doing that a few times, but this is not what I would recommend a newcomer. Anyone remembers the time when you deployed your first rails app on heroku? This here feels different.
  4. This might be a different topic, but after reading the discussion here, I still don’t know which is the recommended way to get env. variables into my app. Could we decide on something as a community?

The good news: I think bitwalker is doing a great job with distillery. It’s getting me that archive which I can extract and run.

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