I hope You enjoyed presentations, as they were kind of mind blowing for me.
Here is my 2 cents advises…
- pattern matching is THE thing
- |> creates beautiful and descriptive transformation pipeline
- The Enum module is a must
- Lists are not arrays
- Polymorphism can be achieved via protocols
And many more that I forget, all of these You can learn on https://elixir-lang.org
The last advise, for Rails developpers, Ecto is not AR, but You can do equal job… (same same, but different) Here is a post about a free resource on Ecto.
FP is just a mean to achieve greater goal, Here is a post from Erlang creator, about Erlang.
Once You reach the syntax barrier, You will see it allows You to have a complete isolation…
In complete isolation, You can have millions of processes working together. Coupled with a faillback mecanism (Supervisor) You can build softwares that are fault tolerant.
Apart from Functional patterns, there are Design Patterns for processes, it’s called OTP.