Elixir introspection tools

The Erlang VM/OTP provides a very good set of introspection functions, for example the trace BIFs. In the Erlang world there exist a number of “standard” libraries for using these, for example dbg, recon and observer. Do there exist Elixir equivalents or interfaces to these tools? I tried checking the Elixir docs but couldn’t see anything.

In one sense it is not really necessary as the interfaces are quite simple and the mapping straightforward and of course they all work in the Elixir environment. But still.


I use all three of them directly. I have also heard many other Elixir developers are using recon and observer directly, no substitutes nor interfaces.


Yeah there is no point making a wrapper around them unless the wrapper adds something specific. Using them directly is fine. :slight_smile:

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I recently used recon_ex package for tracing - I used it primarily to get elixir printing instead of erlang one, which is very painful when dealing with lots of structs.

Other than that, recon and observer are great exactly as they are.

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OK, thank you. I had guessed as much but I wanted to be sure before going out and talking about these tools.

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