Elixir Mascot

Love it :023:

What I really like is that Drop is not just limited to one icon or drawing - you’ve done loads - which makes Drop dynamic and full of life :003:

I wonder whether it might be an idea to start a thread for Drop and maybe upload all the sketches you have done (or want to share) and perhaps add some guidelines on how others can use them (if you’re happy for others to do so) :slight_smile:


Would be really nice, there would be endless possibilities to adapt Drop for a single propose if allowed.
Just out of my mind when I saw the marionettes: A kindergarten with an “older” Drop monitoring little drops delivering letters to mailboxes :rofl:

Maybe a wizard or witch brewing a potion?


Lol, that last one is adorable!

I am amazed by the creativity of our community. :smiley:

@nsuchy I love the idea of a potion-brewer! ^^

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Or perhaps a potion seller? :thinking:

Yay glad to see someone likes my idea :heart:

Not sure why but when I think of elixir and a character I just see a green fairy, but that may be more absinthe related than just elixir.

The thing that I liked about Drop is that we can customize it, so we could make a “Wizard Drop” or one depending the situation. It’s more generic but still remember elixir

A silly mascot, entirely :stuck_out_tongue:

I think a cool logo is enough, and we have the drop.

I really love the idea of a mascot. As an ex php developer, I have so many “elephpants” at home. I think I have 12 but there are many many more and some of them are really rare and hard or impossible to get. See https://afieldguidetoelephpants.net/

That said, if there is a mascot for Elixir (I love Drop), I want it to be a plush toy!


maybe the character in this comic: http://leftoversalad.com/c/015_programmingpeople/. Although it seems like a bit much for a language mascot. Just to be clear I mean the character for elixir.

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Contributing to spread the love, I can share the .ai or .eps file you want


Wow, is that Joe Armstrong?

Suppose to be, t-shirt color comes from Erlang, while Elixir part is in the bottle, and keeping Joe’s smile around

I tried to ask for something that was easy to draw, but this is the best we got.

Make it better, make yours, share back :peepolove:


If people want to add your own mascots, I created the following repo to share assets around the topic: GitHub - straw-hat-team/beam-mascots

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A couple previous mascot threads:

Now that MidJourney is a thing should we revive this discussion?

I’ll start: