Elixir/OTP projects and ideas

Ok how do you connect Java/Go/Net <->Elxiir if you don’t want to use external message queue?
Are there some nice options? :slight_smile:

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All depends on the connection. If Erlang is the main host then term_to_binary works wonderfully and is already decently packed (I’ve used the erlang encoding format without erlang anywhere a few times, it is nice to use). Otherwise flatbuffers I’ve used a few times (think protocol buffers but no allocating memory multiple times), if it is http communication then there are a variety of ways there from REST/json to websockets and some lower level protocol. I personally am a fan of base TCP and the encoding used depends on the purpose.

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I’d like to see the Elixir implements of kv store like etcd/consul.:blush:

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There is widely used KV store written in Erlang by Basho: Riak

Basho also make Riak Core available as a lib


I would like to see an Ecto adapter and additional Elixir library for BLOB handling data stores like Mongodb GridFS. I was looking for one, but only found Erlmongo (an Erlang library) which is not very intuitive to use.

The problem with BLOBs is not only accessing the data store but also pipelining it through several nodes in distributed systems.

“port” of wordpress :)? There are over 75 million wordpress sites the only serious alternative is ghost. We obviously can build features that neither ghost or WP can provide due to limitations of PHP and Node. Would also be a very attractive option for high traffic sites. There would be a lot of opportunity for people to participate at all skill levels “porting”/building plugins.


I’m working on an Elixir implement of gRPC and have finished the basic features https://github.com/tony612/grpc-elixir


Great I will check this with pleasure :smiley:

Thank you. Please open issues or contact me if you have any problem :smile:

Didi you find any free time yet? … :slight_smile:

I like this idea. But it involves also a good design and a performant front end. It would require a team with different skills.

This might be interesting, but I do wonder what features you expect of a ‘serious alternative’, since there do exist Content Management Systems built using nearly every programming language under the sun.

Take WordPress + top 10 plugins and we have a serious alternative :slight_smile: (half kidding)
With presence much more engaging comments system can be built as well as many other features
can be made more interactive/realtime.

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How about a collaborative text editor with operational transformation or CRDT?

There’s a lot of text editors, but I think a more specialised collaborative code editor could be interesting.

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Is there a good library for collaborative prose editing in Elixir? Maybe an Elixir back end for something like the excellent ProseMirror would be useful for people? Could Phoenix Presence work for this?

That said, a specialised editor could be awesome, clearly. My own first thought is something like a collaborative Dr Racket for Elixir.

Another suggestion would be to build an Elixir wrapper around my LL(1) parse generator Spell1 which has been designed for this. There is an Erlang and an LFE wrapper now and Elixir would be straightforward.