Elixir v1.15.0 released

I have added this line:

{:ssl_verify_fun, "~> 1.1.6", manager: :rebar3, only: [:test], runtime: false, override: true}

then I removed deps/ and _build directories, ran mix deps.get and it compiles now. I suspect one of the extra steps I did was required too, i.e. maybe your system figured out it already has version 1.1.6 and didn’t actually update the code. Try removing deps/ and _build dirs to see if this helps.

@josevalim fixed for now, thank you!

Ref. the compilation performance, indeed there is an improvement, which is great:

Elixir 1.14.3: mix compile 658.72s user 71.35s system 417% cpu 2:54.69 total
Elixir 1.15.0: mix compile 582.92s user 56.97s system 445% cpu 2:23.57 total

This is on a real-life and fairly big project.