40) ElixirConf US 2018 – Breaking Down the User Monolith – Zach Porter

Hi guys! First of all, thank you so much for this ElixirConf 2018, was really awesome!

I was watching the ElixirConf 2018, specifically a video “ElixirConf 2018 – Breaking Down the User Monolith – Zach Porter”, in which he explains how to breaking down the User monolith. But I had a couple of doubts with it, and it seems to they disable the comments section in Youtube.
So, for that reason I’ll ask, if somebody have a github repo of this talk.

I was trying to replicate the exposed approach, but I got some errors.

The trouble that I have is with the embedded_schema. Because I was watching the video and it’s seems to be incomplete, he don’t explain how to declare the structure for the user schema, using something like embedded_one and also he don’t show how can we create the migrations for that embedded field.

I found a tutorial to do that thing, but I’m not pretty sure if it’s the best practices.


Thank you so much!